
Portrait Photography

Get a Portrait Version of You that Stands Out

Way beyond clicking pictures, Portrait photography is an art where the subject is beautifully captured in vivid, rich and sharp photographs. Vividante brings together the right technique like camera settings, compositions, angles, lighting, backdrops, and poses with an artist’s expression to capture captivating, stunning and emotive moments on a brilliant photograph.

At Vividante, we believe that the connection between the photographer and the subject is essential to bring in the ‘comfort’ factor during the photo shoot. Hence, our friendly yet professional photographers will take out time to connect with your subject and discuss the ideas about the shoot.

Get Others Inspired By You

Share with us inspiration photos that you like or ask us to show you sample portraits to help you decide what would best suit you. We will study the location, outfit, backdrops etc prior to the shoot to bring in the perfection factor for others to get inspired by your portrait photo.

For ViviDante, portrait photos are like fine works of art where the picture visually narrates an intriguing story about the subject and their personality.

Reach out to our team today to schedule your photo session. We are more than happy to accommodate local clients and parties from all over the globe on vacation or staying around the Brisbane, Gold Coast, and Sunshine Coast areas of Australia.

We Empower You Through Creative Media Content

Package Details

Up to 2 outfits
45-60 min session
Outdoor or Studio
Viewing Session
Edited Photos

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Samples of our work

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